(3801 results found)
Atanu Lehalot panekha
In honor of Hodesh Elool, this month’s Song of the Month is Atanu Lehalot Panekha…
Morning prayer, the equivalent of the morning obligatory offering at the Temple. Its…
See: Hazzan.
Adar is the fifth month of the Jewish calendar, usually falling around February and/or…
1. The textual version of the liturgy in the various Jewish traditions. Each tradition…
Aliyah (in synagogue)
Lit. 'ascending'. A term describing a person who is 'called up' to recite the blessing…
An'im zemirot
A synagogue hymn recited at the end of the Musaf service on Shabbat. This hymn is also…
In the Temple service the Priestly Blessing was pronounced by the Priests while standing…
Hazzan (pl. Hazzanim)
1. In Temple and talmudic days, the hazzan was a general communal functionary. Since the…
Musaf (pl. Musafim)
Originally the additional sacrifice offered in the Temple, After Temple times it…