(3800 results found)
Sholom Secunda
Sholom Secunda was born on August 23, 1894 in Alexandria, a small town in the Kherson…
Mordekhai Seter
Mordekhai Seter (Novorossyisk, 1916 – Tel-Aviv, 1994, immigrated to Palestine in 1926)…
Yehuda Sharett (Shertok)
Born in Kherson, Ukraine, immigrated to Israel in 1906. Was a member of Kibbutz Yagur…
Mattityahu Shelem
Born in Zamoscz, Poland. Immigrated to Palestine in 1922, settled in Kibbutz Bet-Alfa…
Wolf Shestapol
Born in Odessa, Ukraine. Officiated as cantor in Kherson and was a prolific composer,…
Bezalel Shulsinger
Born in Uman, also know as 'Bezalel Odesser.' Served as cantor in Odessa for about…
Gershon Sirota
Gershon Sirota was born in 1874 in Podolia, where his father officiated as the village…
Johanna L. Spector
Born in Libau, Latvia. During WWII she was imprisoned in various concentration camps,…
Josef Tal (Gruenthal)
Josef Tal (b. Pine, Germany 1910 - Jerusalem 2008, immigrated in 1934), composer,…
Jacob Weinberg
For full biography, click here