28. El robo de Dina (CES)

El robo de Dina


A very truncated version of the romance El robo de Dina, based on the Biblical story of the rape of the patriarch Jacob’s daughter (CMP E7; Attias 1961, no. 71; Armistead and Silverman 1971a, no. 8). Already documented in Spanish sources of the sixteenth century, it survived in oral tradition only among the Sephardic Jews of Salonica, Serres and Rhodes. The text in this recording is very similar to the opening lines in the version of this romance recorded by the important informant Estrea Aeliyon (PF 185/04) and by Hemsi (1995, no. 11A), both from Salonica. The main textual difference is the substitution of Hamor by Hevron.

Se pasean las doce flores entre’n medio una conğa.

Dijo la conğa a las flores: hoy es día de pasear.


Se pasea la linda Dina por los campos del rey Hevrón

con favor de sus doce hermanos caminaba sin temor.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים