The Concept of Mode in European Synagogue Chant

המאמר להורדה
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מדריך הסגנון של שיקגו

Kiwi, Edith (Esther) Gerson. "The Concept of Mode in European Synagogue Chant." Yuval - Studies of the Jewish Music Research Center, vol. II (1971).

תקציר באנגלית

The subject of investigation is the Ashkenazi synagogue mode called Adosem malak shtejger after the initial words of Ps. XCIII ('The Lord reigneth'). It may be regarded as the second in significance after the Ahavah rabbah mode, but is better suited to an analysis by its more definite limits of application. The following examination of the Adosem malak mode is based upon a sample of 30 melodies chosen to represent a cross section, i.e., with due consideration given to such variables as may influence the distribution of motives: assignment to different liturgical purposes, synagogal or domestic; origin in different countries or provinces; prose or poetical texts; recitative or 'melody' character of the tune; different period and authorship of notation.


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