(113 results found)
Agadelkha Elohei (Shir ha-yihud)
Agadelkha Elohei (Shir ha-yihud). I will praise you, god (Song of Unity). Performed by…
Birkat kohanim, Kaidiush [sic] shel shalosh regalim
Birkat kohanim. The Priestly blessing. Kaidiush [sic] shel shalosh…
Lovesh kelil (Shir simhah)/ Ha-yom harat olam
Lovesh kelil (Shir simhah). He who wears the crown (song of joy). Performed by Abraham…
Sonic Ruins: Accessory Images for Book
This page contains complementary resources for Sonic Ruins of Modernity: Judeo-Spanish…
James Levy
The musical lore of James Levy's family has deep roots in Gibraltar. Toward the end of…
Revisiting a Forgotten Treasure in Philadelphia
The library of Gratz College is very well known among scholars and collectors of Jewish…
Levantáivos el parido (1a)
A circumcision song about the father and mother of the newborn. The father, still asleep…
Jews in Gibraltar and the music of their synagogues
Jews in Gibraltar and the music of their synagogues: An introduction
Introducing the…
Abraham Beniso
Hazzan Abraham Beniso was born in Gibraltar, on January 21, 1923. During World War ІІ he…
Ay, mi padre y ay, mi madre (3a)
A bar mitzvah song. The boy asks his parents to prepare a room for him where he can…