(3049 results found)

Myer Leoni
… Myer Leoni began his musical career as an opera singer in England . In 1767 he … are included in Aaron Beer’s collection of cantorial music, the best known being Leoni's arrangement of Yigdal , …

Israel Lovy
… . In 1799, Lovy settled in Fürth were he continued his musical and secular education, becoming accomplished in …
Gustav Mahler
… German-speaking Jewish community. Mahler's formal musical education began in 1875 at the Conservatory of Music in Vienna where he studied piano with teacher Julius … gained momentum, and in 1883 he was appointed the Royal Musical and Choral Director of Kassel , a position he held …
Pinhas Minkowski
… tradition with his father, and supplemented his basic musical education by joining the choir of Cantor Nissan … Jewish Conservatory and was the chairman of the Ha-Zamir musical society, under whose auspices he published several articles on the topics of Jewish music and hazzanut. The majority of Minkowski’s compositions …
Arno Nadel
… Arno Nadel was born in Vilna, Lithuania and began his Jewish musical education in Koenigsberg under cantor Eduard … became increasingly interested in the collection of Jewish music, and in 1923 was commissioned by the Jewish community of Berlin to compile an anthology of Synagogue music. Nadel completed the project in 1938 and intended to …
Nahum Nardi
… he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory and at the Vienna Music Academy, graduating in 1922. Following his graduation, … performing, combining his classical repertoire with folk music, such as Russian folksongs, Hassidic music and Hebrew songs. In addition to giving concerts, he …
Sholom Secunda
… and C. Once in New York, Mr. Wolf began to manage Sholom's musical career, setting up engagements in a number of … career came to a venerable halt. However, he continued his musical and general education at Eron Prep School, and began … still harbored hope that he would be able to continue his musical career. After one disappointing year at Cooper …
Mordekhai Seter
… occasions, was chosen to conclude the first Israeli Music Celebration (September 1998; an annual festival … as a 10-year old child, and at 16 he went to further his musical education in Europe (Paris, 1932-1937, studying with … his peers of that generation, he acquired his formative musical education in Europe, and had already become …
Yehuda Sharett (Shertok)
… prize ) , a piece combining Jewish tradition with modern musical elements. Also known for composing poems of various …
Mattityahu Shelem
… work and Yehuda Sharett 's Seder constitute the central musical pieces of the 'new ceremonies' of the secular … Judaica ; Natan Shahar . 'Shelem, Matityahu.' Grove Music Online . Oxford Music Online . … Israeli composer … Song … Zemer Ivri, …