(82 results found)
Chasidic in America
… ambivalent status placed the cantor as a kind of “spiritual middleman,” who negotiated “the realm between religion and … of the Passover seder . Among the rich cantorial passages on the album, many of which were based on the …

Dobridzien (LKT)
… well and good. The custom of eating cheese stems from the Middle Ages, when people used to give the wedding couple honey with …

Bazetsens (LKT)
… di kale . The bazetsns went the following way: In the middle of the room a stool was placed and there the bride … klezmorim , who played between verses solo obbligato passages on violin, clarinet or flute...The kale bazetsn is … express the listeners’ feelings and make them cry... In the middle minor notes, the klezmorim would express the thoughts …

Freylekhs (LKT)
… songs (e.g., frejlaxs ) were sung in other Ukrainian villages cannot be ruled out...” Beregovski 1935 [= … there husid or khosid )...” Feldman 1994, p. 32 . “In the middle of the street had to be the khupe , thereafter he … meal the bride and groom were seated on stools in the middle of the room (in other places they were seated both on …

Forshpil (LKT)
… article in the trousseau of every German bride in the Middle Ages... The Sabbath preceding the wedding, called Spinholz …
La Gallarda matadora
… for this link is the similarity between the musical languages of the two genres. Fusions between Sephardic music and … into the coalesced art form known as flamenco around the middle of the 19 th century. This process took place during … escape, but rather eats and sleeps with La Gallarda. In the middle of the night he notices that she is moving in bed, …

… the ‘sher’ dance was even in use among Jews during the Middle Ages and moved with them over time to Eastern Europe. It was … and the main dance for the young people was ‘vals’... Middle-aged Jews would dance ‘balgareske,’ ‘kozatshok,’ and …
Ehad mi Yodea - Its sources, variations, and parodies
… has been the basis for several songs in different languages. Hereby follow some examples. H abad H asidism The H … Theodore Bikel who sings it in the folk-song medium, a Middle-Eastern inspired version by Frank London , and a … Philip and Otto Holzapfel. The Folk Songs of Ashkenaz . Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, 2001. Fox, Chaim Leib. “Ehad mi …
The Jerusalem-Sephardic Tradition
… especially during the High Holidays, and the newer layer of Middle-Eastern Arabic musical style, which was crystallized … cultural, and historical processes which occurred over the Middle-East in general and in Jerusalem in particular. The … custom in Spain and in the Land of Israel during the Middle-Ages (Rabbi Yehuda ben Barzillai, who lived in the 11 th …

Hatikvah: Conceptions, Receptions and Reflections
… Internet Age, circulates virally in diverse variants, dosages and combinations ad nauseam . [1] These writings and … and commercial recordings throughout the European, Middle Eastern and American Jewish diasporas, was a crucial … utmost case shows how widespread our song was through the Middle East. [44] Even in the present, the singing of …