(142 results found)
Priestly Blessing- Birkat Kohanim
… and seven. The structure of the lines and their rhythmic meter certainly played an important role in the fact that … and congregation sang the response verses out loud and in metered melodies. However, this ritual was probably unique …
Elohim Eshala
… Unlike the Nashid , the Shirah songs have a fixed beat and meter and it is sung and danced to by a group. The form of … Hebrew and in Arabic; Heb. pl. batim ) of equal length and meter, each one consisting in their turn of two equal …

Karaite Jews Musical Tradition
… notes, changing the tonal center, and changing the meter and rhythmic patterns of the melody. The example below … of one of the musical components, for example, a change of meter, modus, or the relation between the text and the …

Last Jews in Yemen
… Furthermore there are scenes that document: prayers at a cemetery, a Havdalah ceremony, the teachings of Yemenite …
Abyadi Ana
… 10-11). The text of the song does not have a systematic meter or rhyme; however, the melody provides a framework …

… in the notation arises from the custom to notate in fixed meters while the prayers were originally sung in a free meter and flowing rhythm. The three central Steigers are …
Dort wo die Zeder: A Forgotten Zionist Anthem in German
… The simple melody in 4/4 meter consists of four isorythmic phrases of four bars each …
Andalusian Nuba
… Each movement has its own rhythmic unit called Mizan (meter), which is why all the movements are referred to with … name Mizan. Basit The Basit movement is based on a triple meter (three beats per measure) that can be performed by one … of 3/2. Qayim Wa-Nisf This movement is based on a duple meter: two measures of 4/4 or one measure of 8/4. Btayhi The …
Para Para
… The melody consists of three melodic phrases in triple meter, in the form ABBˡ. Each melodic phrase, comprised of a … recorded version. The melody here is in, E minor, in double meter with in a rapid rhythmic movement in eight notes, and … version is more similar to Cohen’s in mode (major) and meter (triple). Transcription by Yosef Goldenberg. Para …
Had Gadya in Israeli Culture
… to create a dark and angry H ad Gadya. The main musical parameter to achieve this transformation is harmony. …