(355 results found)
Im nin'alu
… The singer opens with the song’s most widely known melody, which was popularized by Bracha Zefira among the … closing hemistich. The tawshihִ is sung to another, faster melody. It is usually sung in a responsorial manner, as … At the end of the song the singers sing a third, slower melody, and a coda-like passage, and then repeat the last …
Shofet Kol Ha'aretz
… Avenary (1908-1994) discusses twenty-four variants of the melody for this piyyut. Avenary classifies these variants … pizmon comprises what Avenary calls the “common” Ashkenazi melody (seventeen versions, the earliest already documented … all the variants of the three sub-types of the “common” melody into one type. He also points out the features that …
Mi-al har horev from the manuscripts of Obadiah the Proselyte
… itself consists of six rhymed couplets set to a similar melody, ending with the refrain ki-moshe (like Moses). Based … without a musical staff), which made transcription of the melody particularly challenging. Part of the fragment (line …
Selihot according to Siftei renanot
… used lehanim is “Ezri yavo” (“My rescuer shall come”). This melody is interpreted here in two versions: the first one is … Jews, 2007). The second version is an adaptation of the melody of “Ezri yavo” to the poem “Yonat ‘elem” according to …
Piyyutim for the High Holidays
… three and six syllables respectively. This traditional melody in makam U'ak is widespread among Sephardi cantors who use it for singing other liturgical texts. The melody consists of two musical phrases repeated according to … and to the finalis (endingtone)toward the end of the melody – a melodic progression that characterizes makam …
Hanukkah Blessings
… choir sings “Amen” with the first two bars of the Maoz Tzur melody. Scholars of Jewish music from each generation, …

The “Hebrew Melody” by Joseph Achron: New version for voice, violin and piano premiered in Jerusalem, January 8, 2009
… The widely known “Hebrew Melody” by Joseph Achron was composed in 1911 as a piece for … 1935 Achron returned to this vocal version of the “Hebrew Melody,” adding to it a violin obligato part. This version … translation of the text for the vocal version of “Hebrew Melody” by Marie Rap-hoph Achron as printed in the Carl …
Shofet Kol Ha'aretz
… IMHM, F 13782). Even more interesting is the mention of the melody of Shofet kol ha’aretz in the manuscript of the … appears the superscription “Be-niggun [according to the melody of] Shofet kol ha’aretz.” This is the earliest … this manuscript there was an awareness that a traditional melody for Shofet kol ha’aretz was already in place and …
Ki Hinneh Kahomer
… 'Shirei Eretz Yisrael' of Jacob Schoenberg, where the melody appears in the song Shehav Beni, Shehav Bimenuha , …
Ner Haviv, Ner Na'eh
… on in Erets Yisrael and in the USA. The two-section short melody of ‘Ner haviv, ner na’eh’ is in maqam Hijaz. It is … around the same time as Abuganim set Sh. Shalom’s poem to a melody following a traditional Arabic pattern, composer …