(108 results found)
In Which Direction Do Hebrews Play Music?: Abraham Zvi Idelsohn and the Musical Aesthetics of Zionism
… Zionism and the formation of Israeli culture. Scholars of Hebrew literature have focused particular attention on the role of literary translation and European models in the aesthetic development of Modern Hebrew culture. This paper proposes to explore what …
Cleaving tune (Niggun Dvekut)
… The term Niggun Devekut, which probably is a Hebrew translation of the Yiddish expression 'A dveykes nign' or 'A Dveyke', and is found in contemporary sources and among Hebrew speaking Hassidim, literally refers to meditational …

Dance tune (Niggun rikud)
… A tune used mostly for dancing. The Hebrew term is likely a translation of the earlier Yiddish terms, such as tants nign …
Im nin'alu
… to many melodies. Alternate stanzas are written in Hebrew and Arabic. Here stanzas 1, 2, 3, and 7 are printed (complete version - Seri-Tobi, 169; translation of the second stanza - Halevi, 156). The poem …

The “Hebrew Melody” by Joseph Achron: New version for voice, violin and piano premiered in Jerusalem, January 8, 2009
… The widely known “Hebrew Melody” by Joseph Achron was composed in 1911 as a … In 1935 Achron returned to this vocal version of the “Hebrew Melody,” adding to it a violin obligato part. This … Petersburg Society of Jewish Folk Music. Free English translation of the text for the vocal version of “Hebrew …
Shofet Kol Ha'aretz
… Shofet kol ha’aretz belongs to the medieval poetic Hebrew genre called pizmon that is characterized by a … the present-day availability of medieval manuscripts of Hebrew liturgical orders allows for a fundamental revision … by these two pioneers of Jewish musicology. Text and translation of Shofet kol ha’aretz שׁוֹפֵט כָּל הָאָרֶץ …
Ki Hinneh Kahomer
… God; Heed thy pact, heed not the accuser. The English translation is taken from Philip Birnbaum's High Holiday Prayer Book (NY: Hebrew Publishing Company, 1951). This piyyut is a part of …
Yechidi Laderech Li Etse'a
… Sharett, Israel's second prime minister. He published his translation in 1965 as 'Yechidi Laderekh Li Etse'a,' among … no exception, as many Russian songs were translated into Hebrew. In most cases, the melodies of these songs were altered to suit the rhymes and meters of Hebrew, as well as to make them easier to sing. However, in …
Hayrana Laih
… Leila (or Layla) Mourad (1918-1995). Daoud Hosni (whose Hebrew name was David Khadr Hayyim Halevy or David Hayyim … Joseph Algazi maintains that the composer set music to Hebrew songs but he does not provide evidence, except for … of the song to a more restricted context of performance. Translation Why are you undecided? You’ve made my heart …
Hay ram galeh
… tradition of turning secular Arabic songs into sacred Hebrew ones. Halevi is certainly not a trained poet but … . This experience resulted in his comand of a wide range of Hebrew formulae that can be assembled to substitute the … text of H ay ram galeh with its transliteration and English translation. Words in brackets are variants found in …