(17 results found)

Collectanea Concerning Music in the Hebrew Manuscript London, British Library, Or. 10878 (Hebrew)
… music in mediaeval Judeo-Arabic literature dealing with the classification of sciences. B. Gloss (by Moses ibn Ezra [b. …
Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record
… July and September 1921 roughly corresponds to another classification of Baidaphon records, according to which it …
Book Review: Joel E. Rubin, New York Klezmer in the Early Twentieth Century
… ornamentation to polished technique, beyond his intricate classification systems, and beyond his efforts to identify a … not the point: Rubin’s analysis, including his several classification systems and innumerable illustrations, is …
Curt Sachs
… Erich von Hornbostel to create the method of classification for musical instruments that is now a … system . Their work remains the most widely used system of classification by ethnomusicologists and organologists. …
"Sha'ali yefefiyah" (Ask, lovely one)
… of Israel and the Messiah (Hafetz Haim: 646). As to their classification in the types of poem included in the diwan, …
Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre
… from the An-Ski Collection: A History of Collecting and Classification.” Musica Judaica 19: 103–30. Slobin, Mark. …
Book Review: Music’s Making - The Poetry of Music; The Music of Poetry
… a book of more than 300 pages and whose Library of Congress Classification is ML he includes not a single example in …