Qinot performed by Hazzan Abraham Beniso

The qinot (dirges) for the Ninth of Av at the Nefutsoth Yehuda Synagogue in Gibraltar

The qinot (dirges) in Gibraltar showcase the liturgical repertoire of a Jewish settlement situated on the edge of the Iberian Peninsula, just two centuries after the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal. This distinctive community thrived, acting as a bridge between the traditions of Western Europe and those of North Africa. In a recent study conducted by Ariel Lazarus (see below), the grandson of Hazzan Abraham Beniso, he recorded Hazzan Beniso performing the qinot of Tisha B'av (dirges for the ninth of Av). This comprehensive anthology of qinot is a testament to the intricate stylistic nuances unique to the synagogue in Gibraltar.

See also in our website the project on the liturgical music of the Gibraltar synagogues, that includes the biography of Hazzan Abraham Beniso.


Divrei nevi'im

Lu ishkelu

Lifdot am dal

Shana beshana

Yona nikh'ava

Et oyevekha

Yom kemo ned


Bore ad ana

Eftah pi + Ariye sha'ag

Al naharot bavel

Lemi evke


Zekhor me haya lanu

Sol hatzadeket (Judeo-Spanish)

BeLeil ze yivkayun

Midey shana kina

Zekhor leYehuda

Aleikhem eda kedosha

Oy ki kina + Ani hagever

Al hekhali evke

Dok vehug

Shekhina tzo'eket

Bat tziyon

Damemu serafim

Ad matay

Eikha tzon

Se'i kina

Gerushim mibeit ta'anugehem

Eikh navi shudad

Aleikhem eda ne'emana

Esh tukad bekirbi

Eli adati

Eikh yedidut nefesh

Bat ami + Eikh navi

Evke ve'al shod zevulay

Yehuda veIsrael

Ze'evey erev

Shomron kol titen

Kol yelala ashmi'a

Ele ezkera nafshi


pdf file
אריאל לזרוס -כרך ב' - מחורבן לתקומה בחצי האי האיברי.pdf
"From Destruction to Rebuilding in the Iberian Peninsula: Dirges for the Ninth of Av at the Nefutsoth Yehuda Synagogue in Gibraltar" (Hebrew). Ph.D. Thesis by Ariel Mordechai Lazarus.

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