Metadata & Links Content Keywords Asia Folk songs Judeo-Tat - Juhuri Mountain Jews Piyyut High Holidays - Yamim Nora'im Rosh HaShanah Rosh Hashanah Dagestan Metadata Material type Recordings Year 1992 Place of Recording Derbent Type of Recording Research Recording Tradition Eastern Communities Languages Hebrew Country/Area Central Asia Aḥüt ghätano (Aḥot qetannah) The Music of the Mountain Jews Copy Link The Music of the Mountain Jews Aḥüt ghätano (Aḥot qetannah) Rabi Rahmoni bin Gädiil This poem by Abraham Hazzan Gerondi (mid-13th century) opens the evening services of Rosh Hashanah (the New Year). Its presence in the Mountain Jewish repertoire is a testimony to the strong Sepharadi influence on their liturgy. Related content A Flowering Debate: A Judeo-Spanish Song (not just) for Tu BiShvat A cantor’s pledge in the High Holyday’s Provençal liturgy (Minhag Carpentras)