Hus elohai mime'onkha (Have mercy O Lord, from Thy dwelling)

Hus elohai mime'onkha (Have mercy O Lord, from Thy dwelling)

Written by Hisdai

Performed by Yosef Ozeiri

Girdle poem by Hisdai, a prayer for redemption, set as a response to Yehuda Halevi's Ya'avor 'alai retzonkha, with which it is interlaced thus creating a double signature: the first verse of each stanza spell Hisdai, and the second verse renders Yehudah. Put differently, the even verses by themselves constitute Yehuda Halevi's poem.

This poem by Halevi is a nashid with a single connecting rhyme, but when interwoven with Hisdai's poem it becomes a girdle poem. It was a common practice among Yemenite Jewish poets to write responsive poems to extant classical Hebrew poems; this craft was thought to honor both the original writer and the author who used his poem as inspiration for his own creation.

Yosef Ozeiri sings two alternating melodies. The first and third stanzas are sung in slow flowing rhythm, while the second, fourth and fifth are sung to another melody, quick and rhythmic, and accompanied by a tin pan.

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