"Yashqef elohim mime'on qodsho" (God will look down from His holy dwelling)

"Yashqef elohim mime'on qodsho" (God will look down from His holy dwelling)

Written by Yosef ben Israel

Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Nashid by Yosef ben Israel signed Yehosef. The poem calls for the Lord to take vengeance on the enemies of His people.

This recording features Zadok Zubeiri sings all the five verses of the song to a single melody, accompanying himself on the drum. The melody consists of two motifs, one to each hemistich: the opening hemistich has an ascending, and the closing hemistich a descending motif. This parallels the subject matter of the song: the opening hemistich describes the wonders of God's works, while the closing hemistich speaks of His enemies and their punishment.

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