Y el nuestro novio (El novio desprendido + Los buenos augurios + Los campos de la boda)

Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Life Cycle in the Eastern Mediterranean
Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Life Cycle in the Eastern Mediterranean
Y el nuestro novio

Malka Shabtay and Lea Bason Behar (Bursa)

A double serial song, with two themes: the first two strophes describe, as in the previous track, what the groom does not want and what he would prefer: not money but rather a lucky bride; not bracelets but rather a bride with a smiling face. In the second series, we find a parallel formulation; the fourth and fifth strophes speak about green fields, where the bride is with her family, and about yellow fields, where she is with her friends. A refrain closes each strophe: “Here I come to see, let them enjoy and achieve and have much good.”

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