78. La esperanza (Bosanski Instrumentalni i Pjevački Terzett)

Eastern Mediterranean Judeo-Spanish Songs from the EMI Archive Trust (1907-1912)
Eastern Mediterranean Judeo-Spanish Songs from the EMI Archive Trust (1907-1912)
La esperanza

Bosanski Instrumentalni i Pjevački Terzett

Another early recording (1907) of a Judeo-Spanish version of the Zionist song Hatikvah. See our introduction to this album and our notes to no. 74, the recording by the La Gloria choir. This is mostly an instrumental version of the song. It includes only the opening stanza and the refrain.

Donde el sol caliente esclarece

los valles rondosos tienen su frescor.

Allí donde el higo dulce crece,

el Yordan vivo corre con rumor.


Allí es nuestra esperanza,

allí es nuestra alianza.

O, tu tierra de los antiguos,

sea a nos mamparo a los enemigos.

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