Taqsim: Instrumental Improvisation in Near Eastern Traditions

The Chicago Manual of Style

Esther R. Warkov, editor. Taqsim: Instrumental Improvisation in Near Eastern Traditions, Anthology of Music Traditions in Israel. Jewish Music Research Centre, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1980, 1 cassette.

This recording presents traditional instrumental solo improvisations performed by Arab and Jewish musicians in Israel. All but one of the taqasim (= pl. form of taqsim, the genre of Middle Eastern instrumental improvisation) are in mainstream urban style, a pan-Middle Eastern style that owes its existence largely to Egyptian musical trends and the Arabic mass media. The cassette is accompanied by a booklet with program notes in Hebrew, Arabic, and English.

Listen to full album online on NLI website.

Sound Examples


pdf file
Taqsim CD Booklet
Under the terms of use of The Jewish Music Research Centre and The National Library of Israel

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