Metadata & Links Content Keywords Chazzanut Cantors - Hazzanim High Holidays - Yamim Nora'im Nusach - Nusah - Nusakh America Ashkenaz Recitative Compositions Ashkenazi Ashkenazim Liturgical music Cantor Cantorial music Holidays Chazzan Metadata Material type Scores Publishers Joseph P. Katz Place of publication New York Year 1919 Tradition Ashkenazi Languages Hebrew Country/Area USA Composer Joshua Weisser (Pilderwasser) Shiroh Chadosho Copy Link Sixty compositions for Hazzan andchoir for Selichot and the High Holy Days. Related content Yaakov Huri Yaakov Huri: An Iraqi Cantor in the Edith Gerson Kiwi Archive Edwin Seroussi and Hadas Rishoni… A cantor’s pledge in the High Holyday’s Provençal liturgy (Minhag Carpentras)