Metadata & Links Content Keywords Shabbat Sabbath Chazzanut Cantors - Hazzanim Festivals Nusach - Nusah - Nusakh America Ashkenaz Recitative Compositions Ashkenazi Ashkenazim Liturgical music Cantor Cantorial music Metadata Material type Scores Publishers Metro Music Co. Place of publication New York Year 1929 Pages 67 Volume 2 Tradition Ashkenazi Languages Hebrew Country/Area USA Composer Joshua Weisser (Pilderwasser) Rinath Joshua Copy Link 80 Recitatives for Shabbath and Festivals Related content Yaakov Huri Yaakov Huri: An Iraqi Cantor in the Edith Gerson Kiwi Archive Edwin Seroussi and Hadas Rishoni… Netanel Cohen (Musai) A scholar specializing in Jewish music, with a particular emphasis on the liturgical and piyyut…