Michael Lukin

A research associate, specializing in the traditional culture of Yiddish speakers.  His recent publications, featured in PolinThe Oxford Handbook of Slavic and East European FolkloreMusica JudaicaYuvalMusik TraditionenJerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore, and Shofar, explore Yiddish folk songs and Hasidic nigunim through ethnomusicological, folkloristic, and historical lenses. He has also investigated other aspects of Eastern Ashkenazi traditional culture, such as Yiddish carnivalesque, folk theater melodies, cantorial improvisation, and the legacy of M. Beregovski’s research ‒ as a Polonsky Fellow at Oxford, a Mandel-Scholion Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hebrew University, and a Visiting Fellow at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Michael teaches courses on Jewish musical traditions and folklore, Hasidic musical thought, and Yiddish modern poetry at the Hebrew University and Bar-Ilan University.

Publications: https://huji.academia.edu/MichaelLukin


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