Az europai felvilagosodas hatasa a zsido liturgikus zenere [The influence of the European Enlightenment on Jewish liturgical music]

Jewish religious life and religious music experienced a revival in 19th-c. Europe, much as a result of the civil and philisophical influence of Enlightenment ideas upon the Jewish community. The imprint of Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86), generally recognized as the greatest Jewish thinker of the previous century, was also felt. The careers of the four principal European cantor-composers, Salomon Sulzer (1804-90), Louis Lewandowski (1821-94), Samuel Naumburg (1815-80), and Mor Friedmann (1862-91) are discussed, and their role in the musical life of their communities - Vienna, Szczecin, Paris, and Budapest, respectively - is assessed. The activities of the Viennese Fanny Arnstein, who kept a salon where Mozart was a frequent guest, are also briefly summarized.[Balog, Andre]

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