Dice la nuestra novia (20)

Dice la nuestra novia (20)

Ester Davida and family (Tangier)

This is a wedding song with an accumulative text heaping poetic metaphors on the bride. With each strophe a new comparison is added to the existing list, the strophes thus getting longer and longer with the repetition of all the former metaphors. Her hair is like silk, her forehead a shining sword, her eyebrows are like ribbons, her eyes are like balconies, her noise is like a date, her face is a rose, her mouth a ring, her teeth are like beads, her belly is a river to swim to, her arms are like oars and her back is straight as a washboard.

Score and lyrics:


הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים