Towards a Typology of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong: Gerineldo and the Romance Model

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Weich-Shahak, Susana, Tamar Alexander-Frizer, Isaac Benabu, Yaacov Ghelman, Ora Schwartwald. "Towards a Typology of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong: Gerineldo and the Romance Model." Yuval - Studies of the Jewish Music Research Center, vol. VI (1994).


The work presented here marks a preliminary phase in a long-term project which seeks to define the Judeo-Spanish folksong as represented in its geographical distribution, by reference to a typology based on parameters which reflect the multidimensional character of the folksong. A definition will be obtained, therefore, when the different types of folksong in the Judeo-Spanish repertoire are identified. 

Because the Judeo-Spanish folksong is a complex, dynamic phenomenon comprising, at the very least, two components, text and music, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary in order to arrive at a comprehensive definition. Our analysis, therefore, is conducted in accordance with parameters which take into account the multidimensional character of the Judeo-Spanish folksong: literary, musical, linguistic and performance.

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