(3800 results found)
The Hasidic Niggun as Sung by the Hasidim
Contains niggunim of various genres, and from various Hasidic dynasties, performed…
The Music of the Mountain Jews
A study of the liturgical and folk music of one of the most remote Jewish communities,…
The Western Sephardi Liturgical Tradition as Sung by Abraham Lopes Cardoso
The Western Sephardi Liturgical Tradition as Sung by Abraham Lopes Cardozo. Originally…
Esther - Le Salut d'Israel par Esther: Oratorio en langue hebraique en trois actes (1774) (CD)
Booklet contains program notes by various writers and Hebrew libretto by Jacob Raphael…
Taqsim: Instrumental Improvisation in Near Eastern Traditions
This recording presents traditional instrumental solo improvisations performed by Arab…
Dio, Clemenza e Rigore
A critical edition of the cantata-quasi-oratorio “Dio, Clemenza e Rigore” (“God,…
Gesaenge de Juden auf der Insel Djerba (Posthumous Works, II)
The original German version of the epoch-making monograph by Robert Lachmann (published…
Hobn Mir a Nigndl
The Jewish “troubadours” were wandering musicians active between the two World Wars in…