(3800 results found)
Der Weg der Verheissung and the prophecies of Jeremiah
The article Der Weg der Verheissung and the prophecies of Jeremiah (I) was written by …
Hermann Levi's shame and Parsifal's guilt:A critique of essentialism in biography and criticism
According to revisionist readings by scholars including Hartmut Zelinsky, Rolf Schneider…
David Finko: Russkij kompozitor v Amerike. [David Finko: A Russian composer in America.]
Finko (b.1936) emigrated to the U.S. in 1979, after having grown up in Leningrad and…
Discovering Jewish Music
A survey of the history of Jewish music from 2000 BC to the present. The book puts the…
Music education in Jewish schools of metropolitan New York
Doctoral dissertation from Columbia University Teachers College. Music education in…