(3800 results found)
Rivka Havassy
An independent researcher in the field of Sephardic studies, with a focus on Ladino…
Alberto Hemsi
Born in Kasaba, Turkey. Studied music in Izmir, and later in Milan. Worked as musical…
Aron Friedmann
Born in Szaki, Lithuania, Friedmann studied in Berlin and in 1882 was…
Irene Heskes
Born in Brooklyn, New York. Was a Music researcher who specialized in Jewish music. Her…
Jehoash Hirshberg
Professor of Musicology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Research interests: The…
Abraham Zvi Idelsohn
Idelsohn was born in Filsberg, Latvia (former Kurland or Courland) and began his…
Rachel Kollender
Lecturer, Musicologist and Ethnomusicologist, with special interest in Jewish music,…
Mark Kligman
Mark L. Kligman is the Mickey Katz Chair Professor of Jewish Music at the…
Ruth Katz
Ruth Katz is an Israeli musicologist, a pioneer of academic musicology in Israel,…
Israel J. Katz
Katz graduated from UCLA (B.A., 1956) and later spent two years (1959–61) in…