(3718 results found)
"Vehalleluya" (Hallelujah)
Girdle song in honor of the Sabbath by Shalem Shabazi, signed Shalem ben Joseph. It is…
"Shema ha'el ‘aneni batefillah" (Hear O Lord, answer my prayer)
Nashid for the Sabbath by Shlomo ben Sa'id, signed Shlomo. It serves as a sort of…
"Shema ha'el ‘aneni batefillah" (Hear O Lord, answer my prayer)
Nashid for the Sabbath by Shlomo ben Sa'id, signed Shlomo. It serves as a sort…
"Barek brik alḥama" (The lightning of our protection shone forth)
A poem in Arabic by Yosef ben Israel, signed Ben Israel. The poem has eight stanzas,…
Vehalleluya (And Hallelujah)
This Hallel is based mainly on two recitation tones, with an interval of a major second…
"Laner velivsamim nafshi meyaḥla" (My heart longs for the candle and the incense)
Nashid for Havdala (ceremony for the ending of the Sabbath) by Se'adia, signed Lese'adia…
"Sha'ali Yefefiyah" (Ask, lovely one)
Nashid by Zacharia Al-Dahri. It expresses yearning for Jerusalem (Seri-Tobi: 120). It…
"Qiryia Yefefiyah" (Lovely city)
Nashid by Zacharia Al-Dahri. It expresses yearning for Jerusalem (Seri-Tobi: 120).…
Adiel Ben Shalom
Hold a second degree in Computer Science from the Hebrew University. He specializes in…