(3800 results found)
Shema' qoli
A famous baqqashah composed by R. Hai Gaon (d. 1038), one of the undisputed leaders of…
'Et sha'are ratzon
These are the first and last strophes of one of the most remarkable medieval Hebrew…
Kol nidrei
This is a rare recording of the entire Sephardi melody for what has become the main…
Miyom qadmon
This is a special holiday song performed at the parties of the confraternities dedicated…
Shir hashirim (Song of Songs 1: 1-4)
A brief excerpt from the Song of Songs (1:1-4) that is recited in the Spanish-Portuguese…
Lekh le-shalom geshem
Part of the tiqqun ha-tal (Prayer for Dew), a prayer recited on the first day of…
Hallelu et adonay kol goyim (1)
One of the many melodies from the rich repertoire for the Hallel, the festive psalms (…
Ha laḥma 'aniya
Short fragment of the Aramaic declarative passage ("This is the bread of affliction")…
Mi hakham ve-yishmor eleh, Qaddish and Barekhu
This piece opens with the second half of the last verse of the special Psalm for Succoth…
Hallelu et adonay kol goyim (2)
This is another melody for hallel, used for the Festival of the Tabernacles (Succoth),…