(3800 results found)
Az yashir Moshe (Song of the Sea; Exodus 15) (2 versions)
The Song of the Sea or Song of Moses, a section of the morning liturgy, is sung in…
Yitgadal ve-yitqadash
The half qaddish (Sanctification of His Name) is the most recurring text in the Jewish…
Naqdishakh ve-na'aritzakh
The qeddushah is another liturgical text that receives special musical treatment in the…
Birkat kohanim (Priestly Blessing) is one of the most moving and solemn moments of…
Mizmor le-david (Psalm 29)
This is a rhythmicized example of the Hebrew psalmody used for the Sabbath eve (compare…
Va-ya'al Moshe me- 'arbot Mo'ab (Deuteronomy 34)
This is the concluding chapter of Ve-zot haberakha, the last parashah (reading portion)…
The qeddushah for the Mussaf (Additional) Service of the Sabbath is, like its…
Ben adam mah lekha nirdam
This is the opening of the selihot service (early morning Penitential Prayers starting…
Atanu leḥalot panekha
This is one of the oldest selihot melodies in the Sephardi ritual set to an ancient poem…
Ahot qetannah
In the Sephardi rite this piyyut attributed to Abraham Hazan Gerondi (13th century) is…