(3800 results found)
7. Una cierta hija (Jacob Algava)
A love song unique to the tradition of Salonica preserved in very fragmentary versions.…
8. Venid venid vos contaré (Jacob Algava)
Although the text is rare, the melody of this song is a very popular one adapted to…
9. Ah niña sin piadad (CES)
There is no other known version of this song. Salomon Algazi apparently recorded it too…
10. La seducida en la fuente (CES)
This extremely widespread song of Hispanic origin is known among Sephardic Jews both in…
11. Alevanta hermosa niña (CES)
A very rare Judeo-Spanish song. The only other known version, a much shorter one, was…
12. Las horas de la vida (CES)
One of the most widespread and frequently recorded Sephardic songs throughout the…
13. Los árboles llorosos (CES)
This song, derived in part from Greek traditional folk poetry (Κλαίνε τα δέντρη γιά νερó…
14. El nacimiento y la vocación de Abraham (CES)
A very rare version of the well-known copla El nacimiento y la vocación de Abraham (The…
15. Cinco años ya va hacer (CES)
One of the widespread Judeo-Spanish songs of the early twentieth century that…
16. El pájaro de amor (CES)
A rare version of El pájaro de amor (Attias 1972, no. 90; Hemsi 1995, no. 86). Commonly…