(3961 results found)

Lit. Sanctification. The blessing (over wine) by which the Sabbath or festival is…

Sheli'akh Tzibbur
lit. representative of the congregation. An insiders' name for any prayer leader or…

Adon Olam
Adon Olam is a rhymed liturgical hymn that is comprised of twelve verses. Adon Olam…

Aḥot qetanah
Aḥot qetanah, or little sister, is a hymn that is traditionally sung on Rosh Hashanah.…

Akdamut millin
A hymn that precedes the Torah blessing and the reading of the Torah on Shavuot.…

Refers to the biblical narrative of the binding of Isaac found in the book of Genesis 22…

Avinu Malkenu
Literally translated, “our Father, our King,” Avinu Malkenu is a litany recited during…

Literally translated as ‘service,’ Avodah is the name for the sacrificial ritual in the…

Eli Ziyyon
‘Wail Zion and its cities,’ is the opening line and refrain for an acrostic elegy…

Liturgical expression meaning “praise the Lord,” which appears exclusively in the Book…