(3800 results found)
Kumu ve-Nashir
For one voice, with chordal accompaniment. Songs of various poets, Hebrew lyrics under…
Neimei Zmiroth Israel [The Heirs of the Psalmist: Israel’s New Music]
A review of Israeli art music composers and their musical style. Each chapter is…
Selected writings and lectures of Joseph Yasser : an annotated bibliography compiled by Albert Weisser.
A partial bibliography of Joseph Yasser's writings and lectures, with emphasis on…
Vollständiger Jahrgang von Terzett-und Chorgesängen der Synagoge in München
Collection of trios and choir songs of the synagogue in Munich, for the entire yearly…
Semiroth le-el chaj- Synagogen-Gesänge
Collection of compositions for the synagogue, for solo, choir and soloists, with organ…
Dedicated to the memory of Eric Werner (1901-1988)
Vol. 10 no.1 of Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society for Jewish Music. For…
Yona Homiya
12 Sephardic songs. The book contains songs that were either written, composed, or sung…
Hebrew poems of the Israeli- Turkish poet, writer and composer Isaac Eliyahu Navon.…