(3800 results found)
Nahum Heiman
Natan Yonatan, Nahum Heiman's friend and writing partner says about his friend (in the…
Bienvenida "Berta" Aguado
Bienvenida "Berta" Aguado was born as Bienvenida Mushabak in Çanakkale, Turkey. At her…
Leo Low
See biography in Milken Archive.
Moses Michail Milner (Melnikoff)
Moses Michael Milner was born in Rokitno, Ukraine. He sang with famous cantors in Kiev,…
Joseph Schillinger
Joseph Schillinger was a composer, music theorist, and composition teacher who…
Daniel Akiva
Born in haifa in 1953, he is a son of a sepharadic israeli family of mny generations,…
Ronit Widmann-Levy
Ronit Widmann-Levy is a highly renowned Israeli Soprano, a recipient of the America-…
Liron Children Choir
The Li-Ron choir founded in 1980 by its musical director and conductor Ronit Shapira.…
Benny Hendel
Until 2005 Benny Hendel worked as the editor and host of cultural programs on Kol-Israel…
Eleonora Noga Alberti
Argentinean soprano and researcher specializing in Judeo-Spanish repertoire. …