(3800 results found)
Musica mizrakhit, Israeli rock and national culture in Israel
An examination of musica mizrakhit and Israeli rock to show how the exclusion of the one…
Who does what with music videos in Israel
A small-scale ethnograhpic study of music videos in Israel.
A to Z in Jewish Music (SMR Bresler Collection)
Ladino medley (Los bilbilicos-Cuando el rey Nimrod-Yo m'enamori)
Cantorial Compositions, Piutim and Traditional Songs in Judeo Spanish(SMR Bresler Collection)
Qamti be-ashmoret Anna ke'av zedoni Im afes rova ha-qen Adonay, Adonay, El…
Izak Algazi Efendi (SMR Bresler Collection)
Kiddush le-Shavu'ot Yslach mi-shamayyim Avinu malkenu Adonay sham'ati shim'akha…
Chants d'Israël (SMR Bresler Collection)
L'Adonai Elohénou Arvolera Ossekho edrosh Shir hashirim El Dio grande…
Music of the French Synagogue (SMR Bresler Collection)
Adonoy Moloch Osecho edrosh Sheva brochos
Art of Judeo-Spanish Song, The (SMR Bresler Collection)
Poco le das, la mi consuegra Una matica de ruda B'ni b'gincha Kol nidrë Ven…
Chanukah Celebration, A (SMR Bresler Collection)
Mi zeh y'maleil Durme, durme
Joy of Judeo-Spanish Song, The (SMR Bresler Collection)
La roza linda Adonai Melech Ya salió de la mar la galana Estaváse la Mora en su…