(3800 results found)
The Hebrew Exemplum a Force of Renewal in Eighteenth-Century Musical Thought: The Case of Benedetto Marcello and His Hebrew Psalms
Provides a context for tracing the Hebrew content in Marcello's psalms.
Jews and Music
An Enycylopedia in 6 volumes. A brief history of the development of Jewish art music,…
Musicologia storica e cultura musicale: ridefinire i termini per ridefinire gli scopi
On musicology in an Israeli context. For an English version, see 'Historical Musicology…
Historical Musicology and Musical Culture: Redefining Terms as a Means of Redefining Goals
On musicology in an Israeli context. For an Italian version, see 'Musicologia storica e…
Musicology in Israel, 1968-69
Highlights in Israeli musicology from 1968-69, inluding discussions from: Israel Music…