(3800 results found)
Lexicon der Juden in der Musik
The Nazi official black list of Jewish musicians.
Thesaurus of Hebrew Oriental Music
The most important anthology of Jewish music. The first five volumes contain music of…
A Treasury of Yemenite Jewish Chants
Excellent collection of Yemenite chants and songs with annotations and explanations. A…
The Diwan Songs of the Jews of Central Yemen
A collection of Diwan Songs as sung by the Jews of Manakha. The book contains excellent…
The Musical Heritage of the Babylonian Jews
A collection of music by one Jewish community, a sequal to Idelsohn's volume II in the '…
Canti Liturgici di rito italiano (Liturgical Chants of the Italian Rite)
A collection of chants as sung by the original Italian Jews of Rome. Conducted by the…
Canti liturgici di rito spagnolo del tempio israelitico di Firenze (Liturgical Chants of the Spanish Rite of the Israelite Temple of Florence)
A collection of Sephardi chants as sung in Florence.
Anthology of Traditional and Modern Synagogue Music
A collection of Ashkenazi cantorial music, edited by a very knowledgeable Hazzan and an…
Anthology of Jewish Music
Contains Eastern-European Ashkenazi chants and Hasidic melodies as well as some choral…
El tambor del océano (SMR Bresler Collection)
Mes de mayo (El prisionero)
Por la tu puerta yo pasí
Buena semana
Tres hijas
Si este…