(3800 results found)
Joshua Weisser (Pilderwasser)
Joshua Samuel Weisser (Pilderwasser) was born in 1888 in Novaya Ushitsa, Ukraine. As a…
Efraim Di-Zahav (Goldstein)
Born in Jerusalem on January 30, 1902, His father was R. Abraham Moshe Goldstein, a…
Yeruham Blindman
Yeruham Blindman served as a cantor in Kishnev, Tarnopol and Berdichev. By 1834 he was…
Nissan Blumenthal
Nissan Blumenthal was born in Berdichev, Ukraine, and at the age of 21 held his first…
Michele Bolaffi
Michele Bolaffi was a distinguished musician and composer active in Livorno in the early…
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco received his formal musical education at the Istituto Musicale…
Mikhail Gnesin
Gnesin was born in Rostov-on-Don, son to the local Rabbi. He began his musical education…
Mordekhai Hershman
Mordekhai (Mordecai; Mordkhe) Hershman was born in 1888 in Chernigov (Polish: Chernikhov…
Jacob Beimel
Born in Parichi, Belarus. Immigrated to the U.S. in 1915. Worked as cantor and conductor…
Israel Meyer Japhet
Israel Meyer Japhet was born in Kassel, Germany. In 1853 he began working as choir…