(3800 results found)
Ghetto und KZ Lieder aus Lettland und Litauen
Collection of Yiddish folksongs from ghettos and Concentration Camps. Location in JNUL…
Hebrew dance, violin and piano, op. 35, no. 1
Hebrew dance for violin and piano
Evening service for the Sabbath op. 67
Evening service for the Sabbath for mixed chorus, Baritone (Cantor) and organ
Chants sephardis
Collection of folk songs in Ladino
Synagogue compositions
Synagogue music for cantor with mixed voices, some accompaniment by organ
Baal t’fillah
Collection of liturgical music for use by Hazzanim
Old Jewish Folk Music: The Collections and Writings of Moshe Beregovski
A pioneer American reprint of Beregovski’s music anthologies of Yiddish songs, klezmer…
The first volume of a projected multi-volume anthology of Jewish folklore