(3800 results found)
The Hebrew Version of Abu l-Salt's Treatise on Music
Full text of Abu L-Salt's(1067-1134) Treatise of music, with a translation from the…
Jubal in the Middle Ages
The myth of the biblical figure Jubal as the inventor of music was prevalent among…
Robert Lachmann: his Achievement and his Legacy
The article deals with the life and scientific contribution of Robert Lachmann (Berlin…
The term "musiqa" in Medieval Hebrew Literature (supplement to the article published in Yuval I)
Supplements for the article on the Term “musiqa” in Yuval I, p. 11-35, dealing with…
The Reliabililty of Oral Transmission: The Case of Samaritan Music
When researching Oral traditions there are different approaches regarding the question…
The Hasidic Dance- Niggun: A Study Collection and its Classificatory Analysis
The second part of the article includes 250 Hassidic Dance nigunnim, recorded in…
"En Kol"- Commentaire hebraique de Shem Tov ibn Shaprut sur le Canon d' AvicenneI
This article is a translation to French of Ibn Shafrut’s interpretation of Ali Ibn Sina’…
Le Niggûn Merôn
The Klezmer musicians of the Ultra-Orthodox communiity in Jerusalem, Safed and…
Paradigms of Arabic Musical Modes in the Genizah Fragment Cambridge T.S. N.S. 90,4
In addition to Obadiah the Proselyte's manuscripts and secondary sources on Synagogue…
The Titles of the Psalms- A Renewed Investigation of an Old Problem
The article deals with the titles in the psalter and includes a comparison with Judean…