(3961 results found)

Fragment hebraique d'un traite attribue a Marchetto de Padoue
A translation and analysis of the last text of manuscript no. 1037 of the Bibliotheque…

The Concept of Mode in European Synagogue Chant
The article deals with research of the 'Adonai Malach' Steiger using 30 melodies…

The meaning of the Modal Framework in the Singing of Religious Hymns by Christian Arabs in Israel
For the discussion of a modal framework of the Christian Arabs in Israel - termed '…

The Music of Kurdistan Jews - A Synopsis of their Musical Styles
Since Kurdistan never became an independant state and due to the lack of communication…

Le Niggun Meron: Description d’un patrimonie instrumenal juif
The Klezmer musicians of the Ultra-Orthodox communiity in Jerusalem, Safed and…

Qalonimus Ben Qalonimus. Ma'amar be-mispar hahokmot. Chapitre III Paragraphe 6 (La Musique).
The philosopher and translator Qalonimus was born in Arles in 1286. Among the…

The Treatise on Music translated into Hebrew by Juda ben Isaac (Paris B.N. Heb. 1037, 22v-27v)
Based on the article Israel Adler translated in Yuval I, p.1-47, this article attempts…

Musical Tradition and its Transmitters between Synagogue and Church
The article consists of two parts. The first, published here, critically examines the…

Ne'ima (Nagmah) in Medieval Hebrew Literature
Continuing the article on the Term “musiqa” in Yuval I, p. 11-35, this article deals…

The term "musiqa" in Medieval Hebrew Literature (supplement to the article published in Yuval I)
Supplements for the article on the Term “musiqa” in Yuval I, p. 11-35, dealing with…