(41 results found)
Brakha Tzefira
… point, and writes about the ideological role of Tzefira singing her songs, in that it helped expose the traditions … returned to the neighborhoods she grew up in. She asked old women to sing her their songs, and she participated in local … Brakha . Shahar, Nathan. ' Brachah Zefira .' Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia . 1 March …

Karaite Jews Musical Tradition
… an oral tradition. It is performed by the entire community—women, men, and children—and is an inseparable part of the … the involvement of the congregation, both in responsorial singing and the change in the roles of the soloists – among …
‘I’m Sorry, It’s Yom Kippur’: Atonement through Punk (and Traditional Jewish Music)
… combine, among other genres, punk music, polkas, cantorial singing, and Jewish melodies (including direct musical … don't fit either, they don't feel like 'real men' or 'real women'.' (Bazant, 48). Despite these interpretations of the … when he is faced with a Mehitza (a divider between men and women at traditional synagogues): 'I see a sign at the …
Mothers of Today - Hayntige Mames
… prayers, such as the Kiddush, the lighting of candles, and singing Zmirot. Additionally, there is a song about the … which is a prayer in Yiddish mostly commonly recited by women, a version of Kol Nidrei sung by the character of the … disappointment in her children. It can be incurred that singing in this film represents a bond to the traditional …
Abyadi Ana
… the form of complex traditional patterns draw by expert women. Nowadays, grooms’ hands are also painted with henna. … such as Yemen even longer. The ceremony is accompanied by singing and instrumental accompaniment. Some of the most … are all held at the home of the bride and conducted by the women of the bride’s family. They differ in their volume and …
The Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam
… moisture from congregants' shoes and to dim noise. The women's section is located on a balcony one story higher and … that were adapted to the liturgical style of monophonic singing. [3] Because of changes in musical texture on …
Likhvod Hatanna Haelokai (In Honor of the Holy Tanna)
… were some singers who had the 'Hazakah' (privilege) of singing 'Likhvod Ha-Tanna Ha-Elokai', and the song would be … kings/ By the merits of etc. The masses in the Galilee are singing like flutes/ Whom have you here and what have you … testify to your heralding/ By the merits of etc. Children, women and blessed herd/ Whom have you here and what have you …

Freylekhs (LKT)
… also play frejlaxs at weddings, sometimes accompanied by singing... The possibility that such songs (e.g., frejlaxs ) … place. The dance was performed in alternating pairs men or women or in mixed couples...” [Dubno, Poland, pre-World War … recites, the klezmorim begin to play a freylekhs and the women who are bursting with happiness leap and dance... …

… for a long time now the folkdance has been accompanied by singing; and not only to [modern couple dances such as] the … dancing was banned, most often it was performed by two women...” Chochem and Roth 1978, p. 66 . ( Musical notation … [One such example is this song of Eliokum Tzunser:] ‘Women, clap! Take pleasure that both mothers-in-law are …
La Gallarda matadora
… was maintained mostly by oral transmission, primarily by women. The romances, for example, were sung as lullabies and … southern region of Spain that includes instrumental music, singing and dance. Theories as to how and when flamenco took … took place during the period of the 'Café Cantantes' (lit. “Singing Cafes”), venues that hosted variety shows, including …