(154 results found)
Jacques (Yaakov) Stroumsa
… a talented milliner. The oldest of four children, he showed musical talent at a young age. After completing secondary … France to study engineering, while simultaneously taking violin lessons at the Lycée Musicale. Upon finishing that … his military service, teaching French and playing the violin in the military orchestra. Afterward, he took his …
Viktor Ullmann
… Ullmann family moved to Vienna, and Viktor began studying music theory with Dr. Josef Pohlaneur. In 1918, Viktor … piano (performed 1923), the Octet (1924), his incidental music for Klabund's Kreidekreis (1925), and the Symphonische … Three Songs for Baritone and Piano; Herbst for Voice, Violin, Viola and Cello (1943); Der Mensch und sein Tag …
Hirsch Weintraub
… son of cantor-composer Solomon Weintraub , and started his musical training at an early age singing as a chorister in … choir in Dubno, and also receiving formal studies of music and violin. Later he left to study harmony in Vienna (where he …
Yizhak Edel
… received a Jewish education, but he was also exposed to music while participating in singing gatherings hosted by … his grandfather. When he was still a child, Edel received a violin. He taught himself to play, practicing by playing … Y.L. Peretz. There Edel played for Peretz and for a famous violinist from Warsaw who was impressed by his playing. …
Gil Aldema
… (today Giv'atayim), Israel. As a child, he played piano and violin and studied harmony under composer Paul Ben-Haim . In … Conducting and Composition at the Jerusalem Academy of Music, and continued his studies at Mannes College of Music, New York. During the 1950's Aldema served as a …
Ernest Bloch
… United States in 1916, and in 1920 was appointed the first Musical Director of the fledgling Cleveland Institute of Music, a position he held until 1925. Bloch’s early works, … the book of Ecclesiastes, the suite Baal Shem (1923) for violin and piano, the Israel Symphony (1916) and Avodath …
Zecharia Plavin
… From 1977 in Israel, graduated from Tel Aviv University and Music Academy (piano class of Professor Viktor Derevianko), … Authority and - in recent years - for Lithuanian Music Archive. Many thematic duo performances with violinist Prof. Raimondas Butvila, and joint appearances …
Joseph Achron
… was born in Lozdzieje, a small village in Lithuania . His musical genius became evident early on and at the age of five he began violin lessons with his father. Achron continued his formal … St. Petersburg Conservatory where he studied under renowned violinist Leopold Auer, and composer Anatoly Lyadov. In 1908 …

Israel Lovy
… . In 1799, Lovy settled in Fürth were he continued his musical and secular education, becoming accomplished in violin, cello, piano, and becoming proficient in French and …
Nahum Nardi
… he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory and at the Vienna Music Academy, graduating in 1922. Following his graduation, … performing, combining his classical repertoire with folk music, such as Russian folksongs, Hassidic music and Hebrew … to change its name to Nardi. In May 1929, Nardi and the violinist Moshe Weisbord, whom he accompanied on the piano, …