(139 results found)

From Destruction to Rebuilding in the Iberian Peninsula
… text, inner subdivisions, rhyming patterns and the overall structure. The musical analysis will compare the … 'mother communities' while examining the thematic structure of phrases, motives, melodic variations and …
3. The Little Sister (Aḥot Qetanah)
… above, no. 2 ). The poem retains the “quasi-muwashshah” structure (according to Ezra Fleischer's terminology) of the … pulse and melismatic ornamentation. Its form reflects the structure of the “quasi-muwashshah,” that is, a phrase …
"Ayumah be-har hamor" (The Beloved on the mountain of myrrh)
… six stanzas in Hebrew and Arabic alternately. The structure of each stanza is: four verses of two hemistiches, …
"Esh'al elohai - Vehalleluya" (I will ask my God - Halleluja)
… the way in which the melody is adapted to fit the poetic structure. At the end of the shira there is an immediate …
A cantor’s pledge in the High Holyday’s Provençal liturgy (Minhag Carpentras)
… or “rr”, ’ayin (ע) as “h” and fei (פ) as “ph”. The musical structure of this piece is rather unique. Its compositional …
Lezginka Khasasavyurti
… named after the village or city in which it originated. The structure of the Lezginka is that of theme and variations. …
El infante cautivo (Carselero i piadoso, Karselero al piadoso, Carcelaro ipiadoso, Karselero ai piadoso, Karselero i piadoso)
… Eastern Sephardi style of Greece and Turkey. The literary structure of the text (see the text below presented … of romance scholarship) is obliterated by the musical structure, a feature noticeable particularly in the ending …
Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre
… seeking “meaning by making connections between musical structure and stories” (Malin 2019, 115), providing solid … Singing and Klezmer Tunes Each part of the musical structure is marked by a different modal color. [11] Part A … by the liturgy-like modality and the complex formal structure, resembling a journey from the lower worlds in A …
Book Review: Music’s Making - The Poetry of Music; The Music of Poetry
… how do those omissions influence the book’s character and structure? It is the nature of modern scholarship that many …