(191 results found)
Avraham Soltes
… life: Judica; the struggle in Palestine to forge an Israel; Music, in all shapes and forms. Even as a rabbinical student … and educational activities that interpreted Jewish art, music, and literature. He was chairman of the National … Academy, for a period longer than that spent by any religious leader in such service, his presence was also an …

Ghizela Suliteanu
… Romanian ethnomusicologist who collected a great deal of Ashkenazi and Sephardic folk and religious music in Romania. She researched in other fields of …

Alois Kaiser
… cantorate. Kaiser received his early education in the religious school of the Vienna congregation under Dr. Henry … Realschule and the Teachers' Seminary and Conservatory of Music in Vienna. From the age of ten he sang in the choir of … him and William Sparger with the compilation of the musical portion of a Union Hymnal, published in 1897. With …
Meir Shimon Geshuri
… - December 9, 1977) was an Israeli researcher of Jewish music with emphasis on the study of Hassidic music … a significant activist in the Hapoel Hamizrachi movement, a religious socialist party within the Zionist movement. A … the liberal “Haaretz” and “Hatzofe,” the daily newspaper of religious Zionist movement in British Palestine. Overall, …

Leib Glanz
… gestures from many different genres, including romantic music, Israeli folk songs, and Jewish liturgical music from communities throughout the Diaspora. While … of hazzanut, Glanz founded the Tel Aviv Institute of Religious Jewish Music, and headed the Cantorial Academy. … …

Samuel Naumbourg
… professional hazzanim in his family. He received his formal musical education in Munich where he was recruited to sing … and was subsequently hired as a professor of liturgical music at the Séminaire Israélite. With the support of … giving an unprecedented overview of the history of religious Jewish music. Another of Naumbourg’s important …
Naomi Cohn-Zentner
… Cohn Zentner is an assistant professor in the Department of Music at Bar Ilan University. She was formerly the head of the M.A. program in Jewish music at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies. Her … Sabbath table songs ( zemiroth shabbat ) among Ashkenazi religious-Zionists in Israel. She was a postdoctoral fellow …
Nahum Nardi
… Nahum Nardi was born Nahum Narodietzky in 1901 to a religious-Zionist family in Kiev, Ukraine. He was named … he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory and at the Vienna Music Academy, graduating in 1922. Following his graduation, … performing, combining his classical repertoire with folk music, such as Russian folksongs, Hassidic music and Hebrew …
Mordekhai Hershman
… El Temple, he continued to appear in concerts of classical music, record commercial records and tour throughout … sold, showing the porous line separating secular from the religious musical practices led by great cantors of the time such as …

Morton Shanok
… discharged from the army, he attended Manhattan School of Music and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. Shanok was one of a group of cantors who established … Cantor at Temple B’nai Abraham in Beverly and then became Religious Cultural Co-Ordinator at the Jewish Rehabilitation …