(315 results found)
Joseph Shlisky
… a means of support. Shlisky never heard a note of Western music until his rise, but joined the Toronto Waves … and left it after a short time. He never thought about a musical career until, one day, he was singing at his sewing … which dramatized important events in Biblical and Jewish history followed by cantorial performances. Shlisky brought …
Mordekhai Zeira
… born in Kiev, Russia, in 1905. Although he was born to a musical family, his musical education consisted mostly of a handful of piano … . Many of their songs played a documentary role in the history of the Hebrew settlement in Israel. In an interview, …
Aleksander Kulisiewicz
… and preserved the largest collection in existence of music composed in the Nazi camps. Because this extraordinary … touches on a variety of issues relevant not only to music scholarship but also contemporary European history, it is valuable to musicologists and Holocaust …
Neil Levin
… and academic life to the scholarly study of the music of Jewish experience from historical, musicological, ethnological, Judaic, and cross-cultural … in New York since 1982, he teaches graduate courses on the history, development, and repertoire of synagogue music, …

Issachar Miron-Michrovsky
… by Ascap Today as, 'a major force in today's liturgical music.' Issachar Miron has made a name for himself … established he was named the National Deputy Director of Music for Israel's Ministry of Education and Culture. He … the country before the largest American Jewish audiences in history. In the 60s he became the Music Director of …
Elio Piattelli
… from the University of Rome in 1931, he pursued his innate musicality studying in Rome with Maestro Cesare Dobici … is a first attempt to locate, catalog and analyze his musical compositions and other of his scholarly interests … translation but an original work of mine” (source: Germanic History [in Latin, Monumenta Germaniae Historica ]), written …
Nahum Heiman
… life in this country. It is the mirror of time, spirit and history of our life as human beings and the life of the … has won the right to become one of the priests of Hebrew music.' It is not for nothing that Natan Yonatan calls Nahum … says that the families of Heiman, Asaf and Yedoton were the musicians of the first and second temple.' Nahum Heiman …
Joseph Roman Cycowski
… Cycowski was a singer of opera and popular music in Europe, and a cantor in the United States. Cycowski … born into a Hasidic family in Lodz, Cycowski's early musical training came as a choirboy (meshorer). He moved to … Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Palm Springs. See "Oral history interview with Josef (Roman) Cycowski " detailing …
Platon Brounoff
… Conductor, arranger, and composer of Yiddish music. Born in Yelisavetgrad in Russia. In 1891, immigrated … March 2010 ). Sources: Concise Encyclopedia of Jewish Music , Macy Nulman. Passport to Jewish Music: its History, Traditions and Culture. Additional biographical …
Anshel Schorr
… Mayn yidishe meydele . The operetta Shir Hashirim , with music composed by Joseph Rumshinsky, was premiered at the … , which was the signature piece in Sholom Secunda’s 1927 musical comedy Zayn yidishe meydl (His Jewish Girl). The … of Yiddish theater music. To learn more about the history and content of Mayn yidishe meydele , visit the …