(15 results found)
Niggun ‘Akedah: A Traditional Melody Concerning the Binding of Isaac
… hast du gelitten!” which has a different contour, and whose modality belongs to a later development of the major mode. … of Seliḥot chants in that region. Unlike the musical system of the Western Ashkenazi rite, which could boast … in depicting the evolution of European medieval modality, suggesting that the psalm-tones developed from …
Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record
… Dawr The overall structure of “ Yom Yom Odeh ”, its complex modal and melodic style, Tabbach’s Arabic sounding Hebrew … Baqqahot of the Aleppo Jewish Tradition in Jerusalem: The Modal System and the Vocal Style.” Ph.D. diss., Hebrew University …
The Fall of Jerusalem in Song: The Ashkenazi Melody She’eh ne’esar
… from the adoption by Iberian Hebrew poets of the Arabic system of scansion. One of the masters of this then new … in his Hamnazeah (1898, no. 66). Though similar in its modal minor setting and melodic contour to Sulzer’s, Wodak’s … general trend in East-Ashkenazi song to replace major and modal keys by sonorous [ sic ! in Hebrew: “by sonorities …
Book Review: Joel E. Rubin, New York Klezmer in the Early Twentieth Century
… to polished technique, beyond his intricate classification systems, and beyond his efforts to identify a “style” from … clearly throughout, taking the reader through his intricate system of ideas with methodical precision. Yet especially in … can seem wonky—especially his discussions of which modal interactions seem more characteristic than others, and …
Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre
… further inquiries into the semantics of musical forms and modal colorations within the genre. These ideas have … contemporaneous musical contexts, comprising a “musical polysystem.” Why Study Nigunim Attributed to Yosl Tolner? Yosl … (especially striking given the oral transmission); (3) modality resembling both cantorial singing and klezmer …