(252 results found)
Joseph Shlisky
… the British capital. At the turn of the 20th century, the Jewish community in Toronto grew, synagogues flourished, and … in the heart of The Ward, the city’s bustling, growing Jewish district. As a soloist in the cantor’s choir, Shlisky … which dramatized important events in Biblical and Jewish history followed by cantorial performances. Shlisky brought …
Mordekhai Zeira
… and through his sister's playing. He was also exposed to Jewish melodies, while accompanying his father to the … . Many of their songs played a documentary role in the history of the Hebrew settlement in Israel. In an interview, … In his songs, Zeira transmits a vast narrative of the [Jewish] people in Israel: Lemoladeti , Havo Lebanim , 'Al …
Neil Levin
… and academic life to the scholarly study of the music of Jewish experience from historical, musicological, … lectured, written, and taught courses on a diverse array of Jewish and Judaically related musical subjects spanning a … in New York since 1982, he teaches graduate courses on the history, development, and repertoire of synagogue music, …

Issachar Miron-Michrovsky
… the first Nazi death camp of the “final solution of the Jewish question.” Their holy remains were buried in the … most horrible crime of crimes. After his discharge from the Jewish Brigade of the British Army, where Issachar Miron … the country before the largest American Jewish audiences in history. In the 60s he became the Music Director of …
Elio Piattelli
… from the oral traditions of the various rites of the Roman Jewish community as well as original compositions for … of the oral traditions of cantors from the various Italian Jewish rites and traditions. Piattelli transcribed not only … translation but an original work of mine” (source: Germanic History [in Latin, Monumenta Germaniae Historica ]), written …
Nahum Heiman
… life in this country. It is the mirror of time, spirit and history of our life as human beings and the life of the … subscribed to the Academy of Cinema. There he worked in the Jewish Agency. After a few years, Heiman met with a Swiss …
Platon Brounoff
… Founded and conducted the Poale Tsion Choir, the first Jewish secular choir in America. Collected over 300 Jewish folk songs, some of which he arranged for his choir. … Jewish Music , Macy Nulman. Passport to Jewish Music: its History, Traditions and Culture. Additional biographical …
Anshel Schorr
… Secunda’s 1927 musical comedy Zayn yidishe meydl (His Jewish Girl). The play premiered at Schorr’s own Liberty … of Yiddish theater music. To learn more about the history and content of Mayn yidishe meydele , visit the Milken Archive of American Jewish Music website and peruse their exhibit entitled, “ …
Frida Zibel-Goldstein
Frida Zibel was a Yiddish actress. She performed at Galicia and America.
Frida Zibel…
Yetta Zwerling
Yetta Zwerling was a Yiddish actress in America during the 1930s and 1940s.
Born on…