(459 results found)
Alexander L. Ringer
… Alexander L. Ringer was an American research musicologist and educator of Dutch and Polish descent. He … Society, Society for Ethnomusicology and the International Folk Music Council. Ringer also served for many years as … writings. He also served as editor of the International Folk Music Council's Yearbook (1968-1970), which he also …
Michal Smoira-Cohn
… Michal Smoira-Cohn studied at the Palestine Academy of Music (graduated 1947), and later at Uppsala University in … Sweden (1956-1958). Among her many activities in Israel's music scene are, to name a few: Editor of Bat Kol magazine; … in Jerusalem. Her writings discuss subjects such as Israeli folksongs, and various phases in the history of Jewish …
Avraham Soltes
… life: Judica; the struggle in Palestine to forge an Israel; Music, in all shapes and forms. Even as a rabbinical student … and educational activities that interpreted Jewish art, music, and literature. He was chairman of the National … of Italian love- songs, Ladino prayer- songs, American folksongs, Yiddish lullabies, and Hebrew melodies; to his …

Ghizela Suliteanu
… Romanian ethnomusicologist who collected a great deal of Ashkenazi and Sephardic folk and religious music in Romania. She researched in other fields of ethnomusicology as well, such as: folk music of Tatars and Turkish communities in Romania and …
Victor Tunkel
… In Memoriam The Jewish Music Music Research Centre bemoans the loss of Victor Tunkel, … extensive sections on Biblical cantillation, Jewish folk music of various kinds, Jewish musicological research, …
Efraim Yaakov
… me at least, he was also an ethnographer and an excellent folklore researcher. I remember once sending him some documentation and he responded, 'It's folklore, not history.' He may have meant negativity, but … and especially recruited people on the subject of the music of the Jews of southern Yemen ... '. Sources (in …
Meir Shimon Geshuri
… - December 9, 1977) was an Israeli researcher of Jewish music with emphasis on the study of Hassidic music … The author recommended that Geshuri free himself from the “folkloristic-scientific tendencies” of his radio lectures in … including verses from the Haftarah and other “folk or synagogue songs that the Hassidim have no interest …

Leib Glanz
… gestures from many different genres, including romantic music, Israeli folk songs, and Jewish liturgical music from communities throughout the Diaspora. While …
Leon Algazi
… Algazi was born in Iepuresti, Romania in 1890. He studied music in Vienna and Paris and graduated from the Ecole … he held for many years. His interest in Jewish music and folklore was sparked by early studies with musicologist … . In 1958 he published an important collection of Sephardic folk songs and texts, Chants Séphardis , under the auspices …

David Nowakowsky
… concerts comprised of his own liturgical and paraliturgical music, with instrumental accompaniment. As a result of this … his work at the Brody Synagogue, Nowakowsky also taught music at several local music schools, later becoming a … arrangment of the poem was later replaced by a popular folk tune, which is the melody for the National Israeli …