(124 results found)
A Recovered Voice from the Past
… [29] Jacob (Jakob) Dymont (1881-1956) was a choirmaster, conductor, composer of and instructor in Jewish liturgical …
Idelsohn’s trilingual autobiography and Yiska Idelsohn’s oral memoire
… was drafted into the Turkish Army, and was for a while the conductor of the military orchestra at the front. British …

Sebastián Díaz Peña
… where he became a piano teacher. Later on, he was assistant conductor of the opera company of Egisto Petrilli, touring … Maracay where President Juan Vicente Gómez appointed him as conductor of the official orchestra. Díaz Peña was a …
Haim Louk
… the world of piyyut . Rabbi Yitzhak Kedoshim, the choir's conductor at the time, was a significant charismatic teacher …